Who I am and why I’m running.
Tomorrow - Monday, June 14th - is election day in Clinton. I'm sharing my introduction and why I'm running from our recent candidates night. I would appreciate your vote.
**ABOUT Julie**
Hi. My name is Julie Perusse. I live on Cedar Street with my husband Chad, a local Navy veteran, and my two daughters who are students at the Clinton Middle School.
My parents, Jim Kerrigan, Kathy Lamb and Patti Kerrigan grew up in Clinton as did my sisters Mary and Helen. I moved here about 15 years ago.
In those years, I have been very active and involved in our community.
I work with Discover Clinton, a non-profit group whose goal is to increase economic growth by promoting our great dining, shopping, arts, culture and recreation. They also host community events and provided info and valuable resources, including grants, to our small businesses.
I felt the schools could do a better job communicating with parents, so 6 years ago I started volunteering with the School Committee’s marketing subcommittee. We had a lot of success, including building and better utilizing social media platforms, creating a community newsletter and getting the word out about what is happening in the schools.
I’m on the Board and a coach for the Billy Winn Basketball Association, Clinton’s local youth basketball program, where I’m always advocating for girls in youth sports.
I’ve been a coach with Clinton Youth Soccer for many years and I’m a frequent volunteer in the Clinton Public Schools.
Professionally, I’ve spent 20+ years in marketing communications, many of them in residential and commercial real estate, where I’ve learned how to sell a town and its benefits.
Currently, I work for a technology company that connects caregivers with people who need child, senior, pet, and home care. The past year with the pandemic has shown how critical this need is.
I’ve enjoyed my community service, I’ve met a lot of local people that way and I’m now hoping to serve the town as a member of its Select Board.
I decided to run because Clinton has a proud history and I want its future to be just as bright. I’ve met so many great people based on my community involvement and these people have been hit hard by this pandemic. We are at a critical moment.
My marketing communication, real estate and technology experience can bring valuable insights and ideas much different for those currently serving on the board or seeking the position. We need to ensure that Clinton is successful in the future and that includes budget oversight, efficient processes, improved communications and fresh ideas.
I believe in accountability, transparency and I’m not afraid to ask tough questions and research ways we can make things better. Like what can we do to attract businesses and diversify our tax base? How can we make it easier for citizens to get the information they what and need? What have other towns done that we can learn from and leverage? What are we doing well and what can be done better? We owe that, and solutions, to taxpayers who invest every year in Clinton. I also think that the best ideas come from listening and leaders should always be listening to the community.
Another reason I running is that I feel that our town leadership should reflect our town’s demographics. And last time I checked, Clinton was not 100% men. We have a female vice president yet Clinton has only elected 2 women to the Select Board...ever. I’m qualified to do this job, I want to do this job and feel it’s time for a woman’s voice to be a part of our local leadership. I’m a mom. I have two young daughters. I have nieces and sisters. I coach young girls. They are watching and believe women should have a seat at the table where decisions are being made.
If you have any additional questions that may not have been covered, please reach out to me. I’m very accessible. My website is PerusseForClinton.com which connects you to my email and Facebook pages. Thank you and I hope to earn your vote on June 14th.